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  Business Cards

There are 2 layouts for Business Cards:
*Business cards (no scaling, different cards)
*Business cards 2 (no scaling)

Business Samples
Church Samples
Education Samples
Home Sample
To create your own document, you’ll need to adjust the margins on the rulers. On the Horizontal ruler set the left margin approximately .25 inches from the edge, and set the right margin ruler to 3 inches. On the Vertical ruler set the top approximately .25 inches from the edge, and set the bottom to approximately 1.75 inches. Format the document exactly as you want it to appear, and then print to ClickBook and select one of the following Business card layouts:

Business cards 2 (no scaling)
This Layout is the most commonly used, because of its repeat function. Meaning that you create a single business card, and ClickBook places that same information on all of the business cards (10 cards to a page). If you want to use this layout please ensure that your word processing document is only 1 page long. You can easily open and edit any of the example files above. (Please note all of the example files are 10 pages long, so you'll need to delete all pages, except for the first.) When you have finished formatting your document please print the file to ClickBook, and select the PaperDirect Category and the Business cards 2 (no scaling) layout.

Business cards (no scaling, different cards)
Use this layout if you want to print different types of cards on a single sheet of paper. For example, if you want to print coupons, awards, name tags for gifts, scriptures, announcements, Etc. on 1 sheet of miniature cards. All of the example files above are formatted for this layout. Feel free to open and edit any of the files to easily print miniature cards.

If you're creating your document from scratch, and you want to print several different formatted miniature cards, then edit your document to have 10 pages. Place information on page 1 that you want to go on the 1st miniature card, the 2nd page of your document needs to include the information that you want printed on the 2nd card, and so forth. Do this for all 10 pages, and then print the entire file into ClickBook. Select the PaperDirect Category, and the Bus Cards (no scaling, different cards) layout.

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